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How it works

Step 1: Initial Inquiry

Retailers interested in partnering with us should start by contacting our sales team. Reach out to us via email at or call us at +1 951 523 7698.

Please provide basic information about your store, including location, product interests, and estimated order volume.

Step 2: Submission of Required Documents

To proceed, we require the following documents:

Business License: A copy of your current business license.

Tax Identification Number (TIN): Proof of your TIN or equivalent.

Store Lease Agreement: A copy of your store’s lease agreement or proof of ownership.

Trade References: At least two trade references from other suppliers or distributors you currently work with.

Step 3: Review and Approval

Our team will review your submitted documents and verify your business credentials. This process typically takes 5-7 business days. During this period, we may contact you for additional information or clarification.

Step 4: Partnership Agreement

Upon approval, we will provide you with a partnership agreement outlining the terms and conditions of our distribution network. This agreement will detail pricing, delivery schedules, and payment terms. Once signed, you will officially become a part of our distribution network.

Important Note:

We exclusively partner with brick-and-mortar retail stores. We do not work with online retailers or Amazon & eBay resellers.